COmmittees of the vsv
Freshmen weekend 2024
Below you can find some information about several committees of the VSV ‘Leonardo da Vinci’. During the Freshman Weekend, you will also be introduced to some of these committees through fun activities. Make sure to check the VSV website as well for all the committees, the Freshmen Weekend Committee is one of those!
The famous Belgian Beer Drink, the Board Reveal and the Top Gun Drink are a small selection of all the activities that will be organized by the Activity Committee of the VSV in the coming year. The AkCie brightens up every quarter with a different fun activity. Be there or be square!

Formerly responsible for organizing the Revolutionary Aerospace Women event, the Aerospace Diversity Department has now diversified itself, organizing the Aerospace Diversity Day.

Atmosfeer management
The faculty bar “de Atmosfeer” (“the Atmosphere”) is run by students of the VSV ‘Leonardo da Vinci’ and located within the faculty of Aerospace Engineering. Every Wednesday and Friday the bar is opened. This cheerful place is furthermore used for graduation drinks, events of the VSV ‘Leonardo da Vinci’ and drinks for faculty staff members.

How cool is it to organize all freshmen activities and all sports activities for your fellow students? As members of the C1AS we have a big responsibility! Will you be the star of the soccer tournament or did you discover your talent for singing at the karaoke night? Make sure you don’t miss out on anything this year. We hope to see you soon!

The Education Committee organises events to widen your skillset as an engineer. Next to this, they organize the famous Parent’s Day to show your family where you spend your time studying!

The InterCom, or Integration Committee aims to bring all students together and by means of that, increase diversity in socials groups. The activities that are organised by this committee are a PubQuiz, or the well-known international food night in which food from all over the world is presented and can be tasted.

The Yearbook committee will make the yearbook of the VSV. This yearbook will illustrate the activities of the past year of the VSV as well as highlighting all aerospace related events. Besides that, there will be a lot of attention for the active members of the VSV as well as the members of honor and all of those who deserve a place in this soon to be historic book.

This committee will be organizing something the VSV has never seen before. Starting with a cozy festival/biergarten like vibe for a couple of hours, where people can have a nice drink together and eat something. This will be the biggest VSV party of the year.

If your hearts skips a beat when you see an aircraft flying overhead, the Aviation Department (LVD) certainly has a lot to offer you within the VSV ‘Leonardo da Vinci’. The main goal of the LVD is to organise lectures, excursions and other activities that are all related to aviation.

The MediaCo keeps track of all the media channels the VSV has. This means that if you hear about one of the VSV’s events, they were likely at the basis of this promotion! A group of dedicated students makes sure all the channels are up to date, from Instagram to LinkedIn, and help the other committees to convey their promotional material. Don’t hesitate and give them some appreciation by liking the next Insta post!

The Space Department (RVD) is the oldest department of the VSV ‘Leonardo da Vinci’. The RVD promotes astronautics among students and employees by organising lectures, excursions and other astronautic related activities

Each year a group of students from the VSV organizes a study tour taking students to countries around the world. During the study tour a wide range of company and institute visits are organized, allowing the students to familiarize themselves with the local aerospace industry and technology.